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GHS grad, Corbit, is new extension office manager; after 12 years, Corbit returns to area

Aug 03, 2023

Stephanie Corbit is the new office manager for the University of Idaho Extension Office.

GRANGEVILLE — The University of Idaho Extension Office in Grangeville has a new — yet familiar — face.

Stephanie Battles Corbit was recently honored as the manager for the Grangeville office. The 2010 Grangeville High School graduate spent about 12 years away from the area but is now rediscovering her old stomping grounds.

"I’m glad to be back," she smiled. "I love my small hometown."

Following high school graduation, Corbit attended Lewis-Clark State College in the nursing program.

"I soon decided that was not what I wanted to do," she said.

She went to work for North 40 in Lewiston where she worked for five years in the animal health section, a natural fit for the horse lover.

"I grew up involved in Triple Bar Drill Team, in 4-H, and I served as Border Days princess. I’ve always owned horses and other pets," she said.

She met her husband, Mike, at North 40 where he was also working. Later, they both worked for Schweitzer Engineering Laboratory (SEL), where she spent about six years.

"My parents have 23 acres here, and we were helping them one weekend. Mike mentioned to my parents how he’d like to live here," Corbit said.

He grew up in Clarkson, and she admitted she was a little surprised he would be willing to make the move. That was spring 2022. That fall, they sold their house and were living in Lewiston and working at SEL during the week, and on the weekends they were building an apartment on the property in Grangeville.

In February, high school classmate and friend, Jill Bruegeman, mentioned an opening in the extension office.

"She said she thought I’d fit in well here," Corbit recalled.

The timing was a little off right then; however, circumstances changed about a month later.

"I checked on the job here, and it was still available, and here I am," Corbit smiled. Her husband got a job at the mill and the two — along with their horses, dogs, cats and chickens — made the move to her parents’ property. They plan to later purchase her parents’ home.

Corbit said she is enjoying the slower-paced life of Grangeville once again.

"It's just a quieter, simpler life here," she said. "It's like breathing a sigh of relief. This is where we’re supposed to be."

When the Corbits aren't working, they enjoy spending time outdoors, camping, fishing and trail riding.

"And I’m just getting into mounted shooting and having a lot of fun with that, and Mike plans to get involved in it, too," she added.

For 4-H and Extension questions, stop by Room 3 of the Idaho County Courthouse or call 208-983-2667.

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